Owner: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)
Completion: 2012
Services Provided: Cost Management, Cost Estimating, Project Scheduling
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Headquarters
new York, NY
Cost estimating and scheduling for the new corporate offices of the Port Authority of NY & NJ, consolidating about 1,700 Port Authority staff from multiple buildings in Manhattan and New Jersey in one central location (approximately 450,000 square feet) at 150 Greenwich Street in Manhattan. The offices occupy 15 to 20 contiguous floors, 1 podium floor (approximately 35,000 square feet on the retail level, including a cafeteria, conference center, and an emergency command post), and one-third of the subgrade space in the new World Trade Center - Tower 4 Building. In compliance with current PANYNJ sustainability objectives, all office buildings comply with the World Trade Center Sustainable Guidelines, leading to a LEED® Gold rating.