Owner: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)
Contract Duration: 2017
Services Provided: Cost Management, Cost Estimating
PANYNJ JFK Control Tower Renovations
JFK International Airport
Queens, NY
Ellana provided cost estimating services for the renovation of the Terminal 4 Control Tower (Delta Tower). The tower is occupied and remained fully operational during the renovation. Our scope of work followed the guidelines set forth by the PANYNJ, the security protocols set by the FAA, and took into account the needs of Delta occupied space. The construction scope of work involved:
Roof replacement
HVAC equipment replacement
New roof drainage schemes
New electrical power routing for HVAC equipment
Moving active radar antennae for access to work zones
Accessibility for curtain wall repairs
Correction of any and all leakage issues including but not limited to pipes not visible or directly accessible
Our analysis showed that conventional access to most areas of work was not possible and thus required an “outside the box” stratagem. A combination of scaffolds anchored to the existing superstructure with a combination of cranes coordinated with flight patterns would allow the aforementioned work to be done.